Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beach Corps

If I go to Hell, it'll probably be for gloating (it's sorta like Pride, so it could be one of the seven deadlies), and with this post I may just be digging myslef a deeper hole. 

I could use this post to complain about difficulties I'm having adapting syllabus topics into a more teachable order, but why bore you when I can make you jealous?  So out with it:

I live on a tropical island.  It's awesome.  Every night there's a beautiful sunset over the Indian Ocean a mile from my house.  In the past few weeks I've been to a two amazing beaches, complete with white sand and turquoise water.  Vumawimbi Beach is on the North end of the island and is sequestered from society by a surrounding forest preserve.  The only way to get there is on a narrow dirt road which is usually waterlogged and is being encroached upon by the jungle.  And then there's Misali Island.  A small little oasis in the ocean; you can walk around the island in an hour.  It's open for day trips only, so it's wildlife and coral reefs are well preserved.  The coral is just about 50 feet or so from the water's edge.  The peeling sunburn on my back is proof of how much my eyes were glued to all the life on the ocean floor.

To avoid sounding like a stuck up jerk, let me frame it this way:  You chould come and visit me.  All of you.  Don't think about the cost of a plane ticket.  Think about the white sand and turquoise water.  Just do it.

In case you need further coaxing, here's pictures:

Juanito strikes a pose at Vumawimbi

Vumawimbi Beach

These fine gentlemen landed a boat, unloaded, and soon had their goods on a truck heading inland.  Smuggling business alive and well on Pemba....

The road through Ngezi Forest to Vumawimbi beach

Justin, Doug, Laurie, and Dave (not me- were you confused?) about to board a boat for Misali Island

Out on the water, island in the distance

Misali Island!

Landing at the beach

Snorkling! Dave (my twin, not me, dagnabit!) and Justin are ready to go


  1. Sounds wonderful, Dave! Thanks for continuing to share about your Peace Corps journey. Sorry I haven't been in touch... More soon!
